From prison to park to home
Tony is an ex-prisoner who often slept rough in local parks and was subject to abuse. He suffers with anxiety and depression. Tony regularly used illegal substances as a way of coping. However, his lifestyle made it difficult to find accommodation off the streets.
With support from GreenSquareAccord and Change into Action, accommodation was sought to get him out of harm’s way. He was moved into an unfurnished tenancy provided by Solihull Council and Housing First – enabling him to access support alongside accommodation. With help from GreenSquareAccord and funds from Change into Action, Tony was able to buy essential furniture and install new flooring.
The help Tony received through Change into Action provided the stability that he needed. It helped him turn his flat into a home. Now his future looks much brighter.
Tony said: “Without you helping me to get off the streets and into a hotel I wouldn’t be where I am now, on a methadone script and wanting to try and sort myself out, I’m trying and that’s all I can do.”
GreenSquareAccord said: “We believe if it had not been for the Change into Action funding there is a strong possibility that he would still be living rough.”